Consistency [2-Day Rule]
[2-Day Rule]
Written by: Ben Meer | April 14, 2024
How to make achieving your goals inevitable. The 2-Day Rule:
Ditch the all-or-nothing mentality.
When building a positive habit, you might miss a day.
That is OK.
What's not OK? Letting that day turn into 3 weeks.
Instead, follow the 2-Day Rule (H/T Matt D'Avella and James Clear):
“Never miss two days in a row.”

Let me break it down.
In every edition of System Sunday, I assess the featured system across three superhuman dimensions: impact, setup, and maintenance.
Unlike your typical review, I focus on factors that influence personal growth. Get to know the evaluation system.
Impact (10.0/10)
Consistency beats intensity when it comes to forming lasting habits.
Whether it's exercising, reading, or meditating, if you miss one day, that's okay—life happens. But missing two days can start a trend that leads to quitting.
I wish I knew this sooner…
Our results in 6 months are a lagging indicator of our actions today. So if we want predictable results then, we must be consistent now.
Setup (9.0/10)
To incorporate the 2-Day Rule into your life, choose one or two habits you’d like to develop.
Start small to keep from feeling overwhelmed. For instance, commit to reading 10 pages daily or doing a 10-minute workout.
Keep a simple calendar or journal to track your progress. (I like using Productive App on my iPhone; Loop Habit Tracker is a popular option for Android.)
Each day you complete your task, mark it off.
This visual progress reminder will boost your motivation to continue.
Maintenance (8.0/10)
If you miss a day, don't be too hard on yourself. Reset quickly and focus on not missing the next one.
How you respond to the adversity of missing a day is THE crucial moment. Getting back on track quickly is what separates the dreamers from the doers.
Here’s a mindset shift that helped me:
If you wake up and only have 20% in your tank on a given day, and you give 20%, then you actually gave 100%.
Know this: Your life will never be perfect, but it can be extraordinary.
Use the 2-Day Rule to build the life you want. One day at a time.
All systems go,