Sharpening the Ax
Sharpening the Ax
Written by: Ben Meer | November 26, 2023
How to work smarter, not harder. Sharpen the ax in 5 life areas:
I think about this quote often:
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax.”
—Abraham Lincoln (attributed)
This simple yet profound statement captures the essence of efficiency.
Today, I’ll show you how to sharpen your proverbial ax so you can accomplish more than you ever thought possible.
In every edition of System Sunday, I assess the featured system across three superhuman dimensions: impact, setup, and maintenance.
Unlike your typical review, I focus on factors that influence personal growth. Get to know the evaluation system.
Impact (9.5/10)
Many people go through life with a dull blade—hacking away tirelessly.
Unfortunately, that's a recipe for discouragement and burnout.
Working hard is essential, but first, sharpen the ax. You’ll enhance your productivity, not just your activity.
Here’s how to sharpen the ax (in 5 crucial life areas):
Setup (7.5/10)
1. Sharpen Your Relationships
You become the 5 people you spend the most time with.
So, choose wisely:
- Find intellectual sparring partners (let ax sharpen ax).
- Resist false kindness: Create an inner circle that will give you honest feedback.
- Avoid energy vampires: Spend more time with people who give you energy and less time with those who steal it.
2. Sharpen Your Finances
Make your money work for you:
- Cancel unused subscriptions.
- Automate your bills, savings, and investments. Ramit Sethi’s I Will Teach You to Be Rich is the best book on automating your finances.
- Pay off debt with the Avalanche Method.
- Budget with the 50/30/20 Rule (50% Needs, 30% Wants, 20% Savings).
3. Sharpen Your Health
Your brain influences every thought, feeling, and action you take.
So prioritize your brain health:
- Take long walks.
- Sleep 7+ hrs nightly.
- Have a strong rest ethic to avoid burnout.
- Hydrate: Drink 0.5-1 fl oz per lb of body weight.
- Rebalance your dopamine with less screen time.
4. Sharpen Your Time
Time is a currency you can't afford to waste.
How to make it count:
- Focus on the 20% of activities that lead to 80% of your results (Pareto's Principle).
- Make no your default: If it's not a ‘hell yeah,' it's a no. (Credit: Derek Sivers)
5. Sharpen Your Skills
The more skilled you are, the more efficient you'll be at creating value.
- Carve out 30 minutes to read daily (try high-value book summaries with today’s newsletter sponsor, Shortform).
- Practice a skill deliberately for 30 minutes daily.
- Listen to a podcast or audiobook during your commute.
- Pretend everyone was sent to teach you something.
- Apply the Feynman Technique to remember what you learn. (Simplify concepts, teach them to a child, and fill in knowledge gaps).
Maintenance (7.5/10)
Maintaining your ‘ax' is a continual process. It involves:
- Regular Learning: Stay curious. The world is ever-evolving, and so should your knowledge and skills.
- Self-Care: Prioritize your well-being. A burnt-out mind is like a dull blade – ineffective and prone to causing accidents.
- Feedback and Reflection: Regularly assess your progress. Constructive feedback is like a whetstone for your skills.
- Tool Upgrading: You can shovel snow for three hours or invest in a snowblower and quickly remove it in 30 minutes. Where are you using shovels in your life rather than snowblowers? Learn more about practical materialism.
As we near the end of the year, there’s never been a better time to sharpen your ax.
You’ll enter next year fully equipped, ready to cut through life’s challenges with ease and grace.
Stay sharp, my friends.
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